A friend asked me to write about process. In this one I just wanted to play with gouache complements in a small Moleskine sketchbook. I drew a ribbon, then pondered each space division before I added another. I focused on negative spaces.
After adding red around the edge, I almost quit, but then examined those negative spaces again and added red ribbons. I felt the work was still unfinished but decided to keep it linear, not filling spaces with flat color (and no other color called me).
I decided that linear verticals of inked lines would bring the ribbons forward, adding them until they felt right. Then I quit while I still liked it.
Enough process, LS? Thanks for asking!
bless you! beautiful painting and luscious description. Exactly what I needed to inspire my Thursday evening. I love the shapes you've created, makes me want to get my brush out and loop de loop...
ps I forgot to mention that the lines somehow make me think of sheet music. I know they're the wrong direction, but something about the spacing evokes the written music, and the swirls remind me of the symbols for G clef and F clef. It's all very romantic.
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