Penelope Dullaghn (see Draw a Witch ) is running a fun contest for drawing witches.
This is mine, Helga Hag. She's pasty white from living in her cave, but she wears rainbow colors to dazzle the occasional intruder.
Process: pen, pencil and w/c pencil on Canson drawing paper.
Oh, this face is wonderful... filled with character and texture. :)
I like your witch Nita. I used one for EMC #38. I looked at the contest but can't figure out how to enter it. Any suggestions?
I sent you email on this, Teri.
Hi Nita,
I found you through woolgathering (my sister Elizabeth's site.) We are both frustrated moleskine users--you mentioned the new winsor newton sketchbook with a snap cover and better paper for watercolor. It sounds great--can you give more information? Where can I find one? I'll check back here for an answer! Thank you, Maria
PS--I love your blog! I especially like the rubber stamp and ink combinations!
I ended up posting pictures, Maria. I seem to have bought it in the Twilight Zone. Wonder if it's a special product for art galleries?
Your description made me laugh! My teenage son lives in a dark cave (that's how his bedroom looks with the curtains always closed anyway!) but I think he wears dark clothes so you can't find him.
Nice drawing, she has an interesting expression. What is she thinking?
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