The broom on the inside of my front door. Only used for decoration, not sweeping.
Copic marker (a bit too big for this) in a blank paper, not sketchbook, Moleskine.
And Bonny tagged me for this little traveling quiz:
1. Five things in my fridge:
(At least) five kinds of salad dressing
Rosemount Shiraz wine
kefir quietly fermenting in a jar
2% milk (food for the kefir)
a half-full tin of Fancy Feast for the cat's next meal
2. Five things (categories, really) in my (overstuffed) closet:
shoes: boots, sandals, slippers, flats, sneakers
scarves: all kinds--fabric and knit--in bins and on hooks
lots of black tops on hangers
totes and travel bags (not suitcases)
boxes of finished journals
3. Five things in my purse:
3 Pentel waterbrushes
many pens: fountain, gel, tech drawing
gridded small Moleskine
money and a thick batch of cards: ID, discount, credit, debit, too many!
a bottle of water
4. Five things in my car:
a windbreaker jacket that belonged to my mother
box of tissues
garage door opener
5. People I will tag:
Rather than pick, I offer an open invitation to any reader who'd like to do this! Please leave a link in comments if you want to carry this ball on.
--and Crystal takes the ball!
that looks fun, i'd like to be tagged! I'm kind of new to the tagging game...how did this start?
Hi Alanna! It's sometimes not clear where these things start, but it helps connect us, doesn't it? If you'd like to put your blog URL here or email me through the EDM group, I can add it and my readers can find the next link in the chain.
Hi Nita;
I love the decorative broom! That is so neat - I don't think I've seen one like that before.
Your answers to the quiz are cool! I had to laugh at the mention of the 'kefir'!
Thanks for playing!
Interesting list Nita! Now I'm wondering what the difference is between a blank and a sketch Moleskine is? Perhaps I've been using the wrong one (mine has thick pages)?
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