An aeriel view of the cat enjoying breakfast, one of the few times he stays still long enough for me to capture his contours.
The closest paper to grab happened to be 140# Canson in a 6.8 spiral pad. What a joy to flow on the paint easily--better paper is SO worth it!
I also had the time to use the good paint and mix my own brown from Daniel Smith quinacridone burnt orange and hooker's green. Just to put this simple moment on paper makes me feel like I've made a step forward in painting.
Very nice! Good quick capture of the shape.
You should come to my house and paint Penguin -- he spends most of his time with his head in his food dish :)
Way cool painting! It looks like your lines are so free flowing and effortless. But I know better...I just had an introductory class to watercolour on Saturday, I KNOW the brush doesn't always do what YOU want it to do!! LOL!!
Wow -- that's REALLY an excellent brown! I've got a list of colors to mix to make brown, somewhere, but don't think I've ever gotten such a good true brown as what you have here! I've decided that the real trick is to just mix everything together, I guess. And, by the way, purple and green can make a good cold brown. :-)
Good for you-- capturing a moment in time. I need to be more brave and sketch things that are on the move. Ha!
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