There's a joy in swirling color and letting forms emerge that surpasses all more restrictive attempts at representation or intent for the image.
It's my favorite painting exercise, in spite of unpredictable results.

One has to be willing to accept disappointment (what?! waste the time, paper and paint?!)
in order to give Surprise a door to come in.
Daniel Smith w/c on 90# paper.
They are pretty good and looking at them it's real a pleasure.
I totally agree with you. Expecting too much of the end result may cause us stressful and disappointed. I like the style of your works.
I have always enjoyed looking at your color explorations, and these are up to par! I also love the quote about being willing to accept disappointment to give a door to Surprise (and serendipity). Brilliant! I've added that to my collection of quotes about Art.
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