Thursday, October 25, 2007

fading color

The sad part of fall leaves is that once they're dry, they lose so much of their color. Brittle and ready to crumble to dust, even when glued in the journal.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

sun over splashes

I'm fond of pictures of a distant moon and a near object. This is my doodly version.

W/c in a Moleskine watercolor book.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

a mill and shadow

I didn't plan this; I just drew 2 versions. Then I saw the image as a mill and its . . . not shadow . . . its mystical higher self. I love the weirdities that emerge from the right side of the brain!

I regard this as drawing with a brush, because I worked freehand from imagination and memory.

w/c on 90# Fabriano artistico (I think, bound into a journal I made months ago).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

still blooming

I tend to doodle faces or flowers when I'm mindless and needing to create something quick. Other things take thought.

ball pen and w/c on 90# paper