Since I'm not posting images, I'll post a story.
In a discussion group of the creation myths of various cultures, we've been challenged to write our own creation story. And I realized I've never heard a "creation myth" from the scientific approach.
So, here's an attempt at a mythical style overview (keep in mind I'm no scientist) of the Big Bang.
Once upon a time there was a huge ball of energy
that grew and grew until it exploded.
Bits flew in all directions, in all dimensions.
They became seeds containing every possible
combination of energy particles.
Most of these seeds exist in the Vast Unknown
where there is no time, no form,
no definition of existence.
But in some dimensions, time formed as a way
to see the seeds grow--into bioforms, geoforms,
and thought forms, among others.
In one place with form and time,
colors, threads, and patterns slowly grew
into a tapestry of interconnected beings.
In that one weaving, ever so tiny in the
whole of the Universe, threads
cross and separate, begin and end,
to create stories of being and doing.
And unseen, unknown by those trapped in the tapestry,
energy still expands beyond it, throughout Infinity.