Friday, July 28, 2006

Hot cat

Is it ever going to cool off? Chaucer thinks his fur coat is too warm.

Checking in

This is where Chaucer goes when he's bored with the lack of activity around here.

And I'm doing summer things that aren't producing drawing. My learning time is filled with the fascination of new knitting techniques and construction (like entrelac, Moebius bowls and bags by Cat Bordhi , afterthought heels, short-rows from both directions, reverse gusset and flap).

But I dare not turn this into a knitting blog or I'll be lost in the obsession with gorgeous yarns and pointy sticks!

And podcasts! Are you listening to any of the fascinating podcasts out there? Try for one source of lists of them.

A picture of Chaucer exploring my art table, as it was set up last summer. Just to post a drawing-related pic, since I've posted so rarely this month (and feeling guilty about it).

Thursday, July 13, 2006

egg and scribble

Playing with w/c crayons and ink in my w/c Moleskine. I like the paper but wish it were more square. I'm not into landscapes.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fen and sock

Knitting continues instead of drawing, so here's a progress shot of the current sock and Fen, relaxing on the deck.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mental space to draw

Multiple travels, family issues, and other activities (knitting lace, which is a huge challenge for me!) have kept me away from that playful creative space where I draw.

But finally today, clearing away physical and mental clutter, I took time for a quick test of the new Moleskine watercolor paper with Caran d'Ache w/c pencils and pan paints.

I like how the pencil line partially dissolved and mixed with the paint, yet shows the process, too. Blue and brown pencil with raw umber paint.

It feels good to be playing with art again!