Sunday, January 15, 2006

The only color outside

Laurie, in 79 degree Tucson, said she wanted to see a drawing of the snow I mentioned. This quick sketch is on creamy Moleskine sketchpaper, so it in no way truly shows the dreary gray/white ambience surrounding the only color out the front window!

15 (F) degrees with a wind. I'd rather be in Tucson!


Lin said...

OH MY, Gray indeed! It's warm here today in NC - going to the high 50s, sun is shining ... wish I could send some of the local evergreen color to you .... do love the bare trees, tho!

Hashi said...

Love the bright yellow hydrant -- is it a beacon to dogs? :-)

Felicity Grace said...

Oh my goodness! I think it does capture the cold and bleakness - I can imagine the effort of trudging through that deep snow! Brrr!