Sunday, December 14, 2008

lacking electricity

Quick post from the public wireless at the public library to say that we have no power at home. Blogging is blocked!

There are power lines down across streets all around us, 2 days after the storm. Our phone, electricity, and internet lines have been pulled off the house by 2 huge branches, now lying in the driveway.

We're sleeping on the floor by the woodstove and using candles after 4 pm dark. At least I can cook on the woodstove, using up food that's rapidly thawing and warming in the fridge.

The estimate is 3-7 days to get power back. But the malls and stores are open--not so many trees around there.

Posting will resume when power does.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Did you guys get power back? Ours just came back this morning after 5 days without it. Thank God the internet came back at the same time...I was going through major withdrawals!